Thursday, December 10, 2020

Rivers and Tides

 Hello Friends.....

Have you ever seen wind and water making art by themselves? Have you ever seen an artist who without any particular tool makes beautiful piece of art? Have you ever thought Time can make art more beautiful? Have you ever meet a person who don’t believe in immortality of art? Well here it is. Andy Goldsworthy is a British sculptor, photographer and environmentalist who produces site-specific sculptures and land art situated in natural and urban settings.

He don’t use any particular tool to create his piece of art. He goes to the nature, finds something which is given by nature, and after making it give it back to the nature. He is working with time. He knows when the sea will touch his work. He knows after how many days the art will show up. With that understanding of time he creates something beautiful. He believes in flow, flow of everything. He also says that everything has fluidity. Here we are talking about his documentary, “River and Tides – Working with Time”s This movie based on British artist Andy Goldsworthy. He was master to making arts. 

He created arts with natural materials such as rocks, leaves, flowers and intricate.As we all know nothing remains permanent. As it is Andy Goldsworthy working with time and nature. Goldsworthy is famous throughout the world for his work in ice, stone, leaves, wood, and he felt that he has deep connection with the earth. May be he is working seasonal changes. He made a sculpture with the help of stones. One beautiful thing is he uses the natural background music. 

 He creates mountain shape with stone in the river and show what is reaction of nature carry or change. This experiment through we can say he respects process of life and death. He created lot of things sometimes he became success and sometimes he became failure to making arts but he never deficted. Goldsworthyy says that "Art for me is a form of nourishment". He notices sculpture, "The very thing that brought it to life, will bring about its death." The documentary described about Scottish landscapes. 

He talks about the impact of sheep on the Scottish landscape, and made a chain of green leaves and placed them in the water. Beautiful stonewall, crosses a field, and goes under a river, and emerges to wind through the trees on the other side. Goldsworthy finds red stone, terns it in a powder and release it into a waterfall. He does all the things and explained it with certain philosophy. 

He creates an igloo out of driftwood collected from the beach. When the tide comes in, the wooden structure begins to float and then drift to the sea in a slow swirl. But he is not attached with his arts and he believed nature free from every boutage so we can not bluge in one shape.

As friendly I say I am most inparied to watching this movie. I learn what is important of experience and learning, most of we feel disappoint but it is not good process of learning. Most of we are forgotten we are part of the nature.

His most famous quotes 

     "We often forget that we are Nature. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves."

                       - Andy Goldsworthy 

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Dr. Baba Saheb

 Hello Friends... Welcome to my new blog, but first of  I apologize for not posting blogs in mid time. Today I'm talking about our natio...