Wednesday, September 30, 2020

B.A. Sem-3 P-5


The History of English Literature

1. Historical Background

The Renaissa

The Renaissa began in England during the reign of Henry 7. It's effects were twofold : on life and literature and on religion. In the middle ages all were under the authority of Roman Catholic Church. It declared that man was aborn sinner but with all learning the monopoly of the church removed. 

With the revival of learning, after the flight of Greek scolares from Constantinople to the west of European countries, a great revolution took place. The study of Greek and Latin classis gave Freeplay of inquiry. A revival interest in life art, literature, science and philosophy. Hence it was known as the Golden age. ( Henry 8 & Queen Elizabeth 1558 to 1603 )

The national life is undoubtedly connected​ with a development of national literature. Queen Elizabeth loved England and England's Greatness and that she inspired all her people. Under her administration the English national life progress by Gigantic (very large) leaps rather than by slow process and English Literature riched at the highest point of it's development.

There are many features of this great are which had it's effect on it's literature. 

1. Revival of Learning

The first and foremost Tendency of Elizabethan age was revival of learning. I.e., the study of classics Greek and Latin literature. Because of the fall of Constantinople in 1453, The scolares came to England with classic manuscripts Hence, there was revival of learning this literature.

2. Invention of Printing Press

The printing press was brought to England by Caxton in 1476 and for the first time in the history at was possible to give book or an idea to the whole nation. 

3. Reformation

For the first time fundamental question of religious tolerance seemed to be solve and the mind of man free from religious fear turned to creativity. These freedom of mind gave Elizabethan age great motivation.

4. Social Contentment 

Increasing trade brought Enormous wealth to England with the help of Voyages and defeat of Spanish Armada (1588), new horizons of life were open. The increase of wealth, the improvement in living, the opportunitxies for labour brought​ the new social Contentment. 

5. Enthusiasm 

It is an age of dreams, adventure, unbounded Enthusiasm etc. He explorers are searching new land, her scientist were discovering new universe​ and her poets are creating new literature. Enthusiasm was spreading in all branches of life as bacon said.
      " I have taken all knowledge
                  For my Province."


To sum up the age of Elizabeth was a time of intellectual liberty, of growing intelligence and comfort among classis , of unbounded patriotism and enthusiasm and of peace at home. Hence we can say that the period of Elizabeth was the true period of Renaissa and at is known as Golden Age. 

Question -2 

Origin and Development of Drama

The Elizabethan 

Dr. Baba Saheb

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