Sunday, January 10, 2021

5. ELT-2 Web 2.0

 Hello Readers.....

In this blog we have a look of web 2.0. Here I am going to wrote about Education and Technology with 2.0 tools. we know that the Covid - 19 has hanged the view of education around the world. We can see that the role of technology in education is continuously expanding from projecters to smart boards and enabling better interaction between teachers and students in the classroom. 

Web 2.0 tools are free digital programs that can be used for creating and sharing student-generated projects and products. They are interactive, multi-purpose, easy-to-use digital platforms that encourage students to collaborate with each other or create and share individualized response products. I think with the help of technology we can get more and explore more and more. There are some of the videos that are very interesting to watch and to understand also. This is my academic blog writing. 

Web 2.0 tools also provide students an opportunity to interact with others as they share their knowledge. Students can collaborate with classmates to create response products, or they can share completed products with peers in their class, students in other sections, or other learners around the world. Web 2.0 tools create opportunities for students to share what they are learning with a wider audience. As part of the paper of English language Teaching. So here I am Writing about what is the main message of the video and that is consideration in the context of technology in education and also English language Teaching. 

Web 2.0 tools provide engaging ways students can interact with, and most importantly, learn from course material. They are particularly helpful when aligned to teaching and assessment exercises meant to increase student engagement, require students to summarize information, or verbalize insight into their conceptual understanding through means other than traditional writing exercises. 

Web 2.0 tools also provide students an opportunity to interact with others as they share their knowledge. Students can collaborate with classmates to create response products, or they can share completed products with peers in their class, students in other sections, or other learners around the world. Web 2.0 tools create opportunities for students to share what they are learning with a wider audience.

Web applications that can be included in Web 2.0 are…

1. Blog

2. Google Docs

3. YouTube

4. Facebook

5. Twitter


A blog is a contraction of the words web log. Blogs usually provide commentary or information on a particular issue, event or topic. In some cases, blogs can be about a particular person; an online, public, personal diary. A blog is usually maintained by a single person or a small group of contributors. Visitors to the blog can comment on the entries made or respond to comments made by other visitors. Blogs are primarily text but can also be the form of photos or other images, sounds, or films. 

Social media

Social networking allows an individual to create a profile for themselves on the service and share that profile with other users with similar interests to create a social network. Users can choose to have public profiles which can be viewed by anyone or private profiles which can only be viewed by people that the users allow. Users can usually post photographs, music and videos on their site. 

Popular social network services include Facebook and MySpace. Here in this tools are very important to technology or education. Web 2.0 allows every individual to create their own information or material or share it on public platforms without any deep knowledge of Web designing and Publishing Skills. It enables one to collaborate and Communicate their work with others.

Thank you.....

4. ELT-2 History of Call.

 Hello Readers.....

In this blog I'm writing about history of Call and Mall. Here I am going to wrote about Education and Technology we know that the Covid - 19 has hanged the view of education around the world. We can see that the role of technology in education is continuously expanding from projecters to smart boards and enabling better interaction between teachers and students in the classroom.  

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is the general term for the range of processes and activities that employ computers in the teaching and learning of a new language. In the history of CALL we can see the confluence of the latest technology as well as the most widely accepted language theories of the day.

The history of CALL is often divided into three phases: Structural CALL, Communicative CALL, Integrative CALLS Starting in the ’50s and developing through the ’70s, we have what’s called Structural/Behaviorist CALL by Wa Every day we see that various aspects of technology becoming an inherents part of the educational experience for students, teachers, parents, and managements. So, here I am going write about My academic blog. This was my thinking Activity is given by my professor Dr. Dilip barad sir from Department of English Bhavnagar University. Here for our professor blogspot click here

What is History of Call?

This marked the era of Stimulus and Response. The computer prompts the student with a question (stimulus) and the student gives an answer (response) by filling in the blanks or choosing from a given set of choices. The methods du jour were the Grammar-Translation and Audiolingual methods. Language was seen as made up of discrete units, and these units were considered to be closely interconnected and interacting according to a predictable and explainable set of rules (grammar). Teachers taught the different rules of grammar and repetitively drilled their classes on different ways the rules can be correctly applied. CALL's origins can be traced back to the 1960s. Up until the late 1970s CALL projects were confined mainly to universities, where computer programs were developed on large mainframe computers.Traditional CALL programs presented a stimulus to which the learner had to provide a response. In early CALL programs the stimulus was in the form of text presented on screen, and the only way in which the learner could respond was by entering an answer at the keyboard.

 Some programs were very imaginative in the way text was presented, making use of colour to highlight grammatical features (e.g. gender in French and case endings in German) and movement to illustrate points of syntax (e.g. position of adjectives in French and subordinate clause word order in German). Discrete error analysis and feedback were a common feature of traditional CALL, and the more sophisticated programs would attempt to analyse the learner's response, pinpoint errors, and branch to help and remedial activities. Computers at this stage were mainly utilized as devices that could present stimuli repetitively in exactly the same manner without ever getting tired. An example of this are the “listen-and-repeat” programs running in language labs at that time. In the ’80s and ’90s came Communicative CALL. The Communicative Approach to language teaching came into being as a reaction to the Grammar-Translation and Audiolingual methods. This time, instead of teaching the language—its rules, syntax, phonemes and morphemes—teachers found ways to provide opportunities for students to actually use the language. They gave students tasks that can only be completed by using language. 

What is Mobile learning?

Mobile learning is undergoing rapid evolution. Early generations of mobile learning projects tended to propose formally-designed activities, carefully crafted by educators and technologists, and using emerging technologies that were not yet widely accessible well understood. Current, widespread ownership of mobile and wireless devices means that learners are increasingly in a position to take the lead and engage in activities motivated by their personal needs and circumstances of use, including those arising from greater mobility and travel. 

Computer programs were designed to gauge comprehension with drills like paced reading and sentence reconstruction. And developments in computer technology didn’t just affect the “testing” part of CALL. It really made teaching language more vivid. For example, the continued development in computer capabilities has resulted into crisper audio and video. So in addition to the drill formats, students can learn by watching videos of how native speakers actually interact. They can see how language is used in different situations, like in meeting a new person or asking for directions. Computers have given language learners a more vivid idea of what language is beyond the subject-verb agreements and the endless list of vocabulary words to be memorized. 

Thank you.....

3. ELT-2 David Crystal

 Hello Readers....

Today I'm presenting about how to use technology in education. In this video speaker talk about such wonderful things. No we can see this video and take information about this video. Here I am going to wrote about Education and Technology we know that the Covid - 19 has hanged the view of education around the world. We can see that the role of technology in education is continuously expanding from projecters to smart boards and enabling better interaction between teachers and students in the classroom.       

David Crystal is honorary professor of linguistics at the University of Bangor, and works from his home in Holyhead, North Wales as a writer, editor, lecturer, and broadcaster in language and linguistics, with particular reference to the English language. Born in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, in 1941, he spent his early childhood in Holyhead, attended secondary school in Liverpool, and read English at University College London. After a research year at UCL's Survey of English Usage, he lectured at Bangor and then joined the new department of linguistics at Reading in 1965, where a decade later he became professor of linguistic science. He left the full-time university world in 1984 to work as an independent scholar. His writing takes in most areas of language study,his best-known authored books including The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language and The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language.

In this video David Crystal talks about how technology influenced English language dramatically. For this he compared very beautifully, Newspaper - Television - Radio & Internet ( Facebook, Twitter, Text messages) Further he talks about brief history of technology. Printing press arrived in the 15th century. After then we have new varieties of English language. Then Comparatively he talks about the technology today. Now in today's time if we talk about Newspaper then we find Cartoons, certain captions and many more things but in past there were not such things like this. 

In 19th century the telephone arrived but people didn't know how to dealt with this. Very interesting thing is that when they pick up the phone they shouted. But people thought that it brought great disasters in society. And of course it brought. After 1920s the development of broadcasting it introduced various languages. Radio and television became centre and provided the cricket and football commentary to the people.

Nowadays we  don't keep a space to change the language. There are two reasons behind the expense of the English. First reason is the Internet.  Because of the internet the language is very quickly changing, new words spread very quickly. Second reason is the globalization of English language. There is not one kind of language, but in the world various types of English language exist. 

Now the internet is doing the same thing. The World Wide Web arrives in 1991. Google came to exist in 1990. Before that it didn't exist. Blogging in 2003 and Email came to exist in 1999 and 2000. Facebook in 2004, YouTube in 2005 and Twitter in 2006. These all are the examples of new technologies or new style of English language. Technologies influence language in specific ways. For example Text messages and tweeting. Text messages provide 140 characters and Twitter provides 160 characters. Through the use of Twitter people came to know that Twitter introduce us to what is in the minds of people and what is going on around. After then it also provides such an interesting advertisement. This is how Twitter started providing us such an information and it influenced language. David Crystal says that I believe that the English language is the same as it was before 20 years ago. These all are information which David Crystal said in this video about how technology influenced language. 

The biggest challenge for English Teachers in the time of Internet.

In this video David Crystal gives the information about how language is changing so fast. For that he gives two major reasons, you invent one word it took a generation to become  popular but now in this time if you invent one word and put it on Facebook it takes only 24 hours or less. Language is moving faster and teachers have got to keep pace with this because their students are already ahead of them. 

If teachers want to teach South African language to their students then what they can do. David Crystal also talks about prompts in various applications. Various prompt like what are you doing , what is in your mind.   In this video David crystal says about Texting is 'Good' for English language. Texting is a kind of language, and it is never bad to improve language through texting. But peoples are holding varies myths regarding texting and consider it bad the reasons like Texting is done by kifs only. Text messages with abbreviation entirely abbreviate these messages. Kids don't know how to spell it etc. 

These all reasons are just reflecting the narrow mindedness of the people. These are not facts. It is not only kids, but mostly things are done by adults. More than half generation are using mobile and everyone is doing messaging. Literacy is important, and it needs more and more practice which technology provides. The more we text the better our literary skill improved. So here is the David crystal views about Education and Technology. 

Can they go South Africa? Or can they go South African Schools ? How ridiculous. But now it is possible to learn even whatever languages you want to learn because of Internet.  Just search on Google it will teach you language with audio or you can learn in perticular South African schools through Skype. There are two big difficulties : Translating and interpreting and second language teaching  because no human aspect is more complex than language.  

In this student-friendly guidebook, leading language authority Professor David Crystal follows on from his landmark bestseller Language and the Internet and presents the area as a new field: Internet linguistics.
In his engaging trademark style, Crystal addresses the online linguistic issues that affect us on a daily basis, incorporating real-life examples drawn from his own studies and personal involvement with Internet companies. He provides new linguistic analyses of Twitter, Internet security, and online advertising, explores the evolving multilingual character of the Internet, and offers illuminating observations about a wide range of online behavior, from spam to exclamation marks.

1. ELT-2 Videos Thinking Activity

Hello Readers....

Today I'm writing about education and technology. How technology play role in education. What kind of role technology plays in education. How technology is bringing the school to the leaving room. Which type or system we have and also which type of atmosphere we have in class room and also in leaving room. Which is the best atmosphere for study. 

In 21st century, Digital Literacy became necessary for everyone. As a result of it, it becomes inevitable to include technology in education system. After an enlightened discussion on the use of web tools in teaching / learning it becomes vital to know about the students views / understanding on integrating the technology in education.  

Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives by Marc Prensky :-

 When we talk in terms of future generations, only technology can provide better future. There are so many benefits of using technology in classrooms. 

The video is about Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives by Marc Prensky in which how digital Immigrants and digital Natives are very different to each other is discussed. Marc Prensky says that Digital Natives are extra intellectual than Digital Immigrants. Use of technology in education increased the level of accuracy in educational materials to a higher standard. Uses of new technologies are expanding. New computer programs and mobile apps are all playing their role to solve daily life problems. 

They all are well equipped with today's technology. They all know how to use Computers, Laptops and video games. They all are self learners. They don't need any teachers for help. Google and Internet are their GURU. On the other side Digital Immigrants are not born into the digital world but have at some later point in our lives become fascinated by and adopted many or most aspects of the new technology are and always will be compared to them with digital Natives. In every discipline technology is very useful thing in human life. Education cultivate us from the animal to human being, it is fundamental right of people to be a literate and also it is very useful for live better life. So, with the passage of the time education also need to upgrade from chalk and talk to smart class. Digital classroom is necessary for teaching and learning process, it is useful for both teacher as well as students. In traditional way of teaching, teacher was at center but now in this age student is at center. Teacher's work as facilitator because through the technology students come with every information and work themselves so teacher's work is to facilitate them. Students can learn anytime from anywhere through digital classroom. Teacher can teach all the subjects like Math, science, History, Language, Geography, etc through technology. 

Technology stimulate learning interest in the students much better than traditional way of lectures. So, according to me technology is necessary in education for better future career of the students or we can say that technology means good facility hence students and teachers have good facility in education. Digital Immigrants learn like all immigrants some better than others to adopt to their environment they always retain to some degree, their accents that is their foot in the past. Marc Prensky gives few fundamentals to differentiate Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives. According to him.


2. Parallel Thinkers 



♧ Digital Immigrants are :-


2. TEXT 



These all are the some of the basic characteristics given by Marc Prensky to Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives. Further more in this video he says that Digital Immigrants teachers in the schools say their students in the classroom to search perticular topic on Google but Digital Natives teachers directly send the URL to their students and ask tp do flipped learning. Here I would like to put one more point is that Digital Natives are intrested in developing digital library, on the other side digital Immigrants are working with text books as well as resources material both. 

So, there are some basic differences which is given by Marc Prensky in this video. We can integrate technology in the classroom through various web tools like power point presentation, Blog task, Flipped learning and social media like Whatsapp and Facebook, in which Flipped learning is very interesting because it broke the traditional norms of teaching and learning in the classroom. Students can learn any time from any where through flipped learning. Teacher can engage the students without his or her presence. 

The Changing Paradigm by Ken Robinson :-

In this video " Changing Paradigm " by Sir Ken Robinson is talking about the public education system. In the beginning of the video he says that, 

" Every country on the earth, at the moment is reforming public education. There are two reasons for it,

{1} ECONOMIC :- Economic people are trying to work out how do we educate our children to take their place in the economics of the 21st century?

{2} CULTURAL :- How we can pass on the cultural genes of our communities while being a part of the process of globalization. 

Teacher and technology both are significant in the process of teaching and learning. Technology is better for leaning in new style, it gives you information but don't guide like teacher. Technology do not teach you life lesson and not be a role model for you but teacher can teach these all aspects of life. Teacher teach you to connect the dots but technology can't. But the problem is that the current education system was designed and conceived and structured for a different age. It was conceived in their Intellectual culture of the enlightenment and in the economic circumstances of the Industrial revolution before the mid of the 19th century. There were no system of public education. 

In the age of technology we have to integrate it in our education but teacher also much needed to guide. Many times student like me failed to understand some topic while reading in google and watching videos but my professor Dr. Dilip Barad can teach me with the help of various examples, hence teacher is very helpful to understand easily. Public education paid for from taxation compulsory to everybody and free at the point of delivery that was a revolutionary idea and many people objected to it. They said it's not possible for many street working class children to benefit from public education. They are incapable of learning to read and write. 

We come to think of as academic ability and this is deep in the gene pool of public education of the really two types of the people :

1. Academic & non academic 

2. Smart people & non smart people 

The main point that is discussed in this video is Economic and cultural. If we think about education then  ideally we believe that education is for humanity and also a way of darkness to the light. But that is only an ideal thinking, truly the education is for stable economical conditions. The result is that many brilliant people think they're not because they're are being judged against this perticular view of the mind. So, we have twin pillars 1. ECONOMIC & 2. INTELLECTUAL. According to Ken Robinson this model has caused chaos in many people's lives. This is called " Modern Epidemic " and it's as misplaced and it's as fictitious. This is the Plague ADHD. 

Ken Robinson raised a question about How do we educate our children to take their place in the economics of the 21st century ?Another is how we can teach the cultural identity of people to the children. He also made a point that the current education  system was designed and conceived for a different age. The idea of public education is based on two factors:  Economic and Intellectual. He was also telling that this model has caused chaos. In which we come to know that students become like customers.

 He was also talking about diverge thinking. It's an ability to creative thinking and creativity. There is not only a linear or convergent but a multiple answers possible. Education system makes a dumber generation. Our children are living in the most intensely stimulating period in the history of the earth. That is being besieged with information and porce. Their attention from every platform computers from iPhones from advertising hoardings from hundreds of television channels. If you travel east across the country people start losing interest in Oklahoma.

They can hardly think straight in Arkansas. Ken Robinson believes that we have a system of education that is modelled on the interest of industrialism and in the image of it. He also talks about " Divergent Thinking. " Here I would like to put GIF of some photos in which sir Ken Robinson draws the picture of Divergent thinking.

The School in the Cloud and Future of learning by Sugata Mitro :-

In this video at the very beginning Sugata Mitro asks one question, 

" What is going to be the future of learning ?"

He says that if we look at the past, where it come from ? then in present it is quite easy to figure out. We say, It came from about 300 years ago and it came from the biggest empire on this planet, " The British Empire." They ran the whole planet without the computers, without the telephones with data handwritten on pieces of paper and travelling by ships. 

This video is about Sugata Mitra, it was amazing in which we found some of the very interesting ideas about education and learning. At the starting point he was talking about where the school learning came from ? Of course that is from Victorian people. The education system has become a bureaucratic administrative machine. Because of the empire the Victorian wants a people who can read, write, good handwriting, multiplication in mind. But now a time empire is gone. But the system of education is the same. So Sugata Mitra had questioned the system. He also talks about self learning. He had done interesting research in the education process.

This machine is called, " The Schools." The people who are in the schools they must know three thing :

1. They must have good handwriting, because the data is handwritten. 

2. They must be able to read. 

3. They must be able to do multiplication. 

The British empire is gone. But the main question which Sugata Mitro ask is that,

" So, what are we doing with that design that produces these identical people and what are we going to do next?"

But now in the present time the schools are outdated. He says that clerks are the computers. Those people don't need to write beautifully and multiply numbers in their heads. They need to be able to read. But we must have to think that what will be the future and how today's schools are preparing them for that world. Sugata Mitro is sharing his experience which had happened in Delhi before a years ago. 

He was talking about the current education system, and also what should be the system of learning. How technology is helpful to the education system. According to him now is the time we should not need to follow the system that is going on in our education system. He came across two types of people : The Slums and other who knows everything how to runs computer programs and everything. They said Sugata Mitro about their children that, 

" You know my son, I think he's gifted. "

At that time he was shocked and decided to do something for the poor children. And then he started doing experiments to those poor children of remote area villages. He gave them computers and made them self learners. He got very satisfied results. Then he thought to do more for them. Sugata Mitro asks the question, 

" What it will be tomorrow ? "

Could it be that we don't need to go to school at all. If you wish to find out something, you can find out in two minutes. Then Sugata Mitro created one programme called, " SOLE " ( SELF LEARNING ORGANISATION LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ) Broadband, Collaboration and encouragement. At the end of the video Sugata Mitro says that, 

" My wish is that we design the future of learning. We don't want the spare part for a great human computers. Only we need to design future for learning. This is called, " The School in Cloud. " 
                                    --Sugata Mitro

Let's use video to reinvent education by Salman Khan :-

This  video is about  which way the idea provokes in the mind of Salman khan, to develop such a platform like Khan Academy.  In this video we get to Know the journey of the whole platform. How it started and all those things. We also come to know that is how this platform is different from the actual classroom. Salmanan is a founder of " Khan Academy. " We all know that Khan Academy is a non profit course which helps to students and teachers to work individually and collaboratively. It is known for it's collection of videos. It is the platform where students can find their own individual pace. Students can choose whatever and which subject they want to learn. Like Maths, Science, Science and technology, Geometric and many more other.

In this video Salman Khan is talking about his experience and how he started this course. We all know that one single step can help you to get great success. Salman Khan started to put the videos on YouTube. Slowly and steadily he got comments from visitors. Many of them were kids, students and teachers also. Then he came to know that it is helping teachers also. So, he started developing this programme. In this video he is saying very interesting thing is that,

" When those teachers are doing this experiment in classroom, there's the obvious benefit- the benefit that now their students can enjoy the videos in the way that my cousins did. They can pause, repeat at their own pace, at their own time. But the more interesting thing and this is the unintuitive thing when you talk about technology in the classroom by removing the one size - fits all lectures from the classroom and letting students have a self paced lectures at home and then they will go to classroom, letting them do work, having the teachers walk around, having the peers actually be able to interact with each other. These teachers have used technology to humanise the classroom."

It's something innovative and interesting.  There we come to know that all the hypotheses that Teachers and students have that are broken. Because in Khan academy we can see they taught beautifully each and every subject. They covered everything from basic arithmetic, all the way to vector calculus. He started from the YouTube videos. And he also talked about some of the comments that he got on YouTube. That is also amazing.  So the point is that learning through videos is helpful to students, because they watch videos anytime wherever they want. If they want to repeat they can repeat it. That is the benefit of learning from videos. 

Salman Khan also differentiates the learning outcome of the traditional learning and learning from Khan academy. This academy encourages students to master over the specific subjects. They also give mastery points. How consequently looking at the students' learning process. There is also a concept of peers Teaching to peers. The concept is like let's teach for mastery not for test scores. The most interesting thing which I like most is that now teachers can give their more time to students to sit around them and interact with them that what have they did and how many videos they have seen and where have they doubt. Students can learn in their own time. This is how Khan Academy course work. Student will get energy points and badges on their performance capacity and level. This is all about Khan Academy by Salman Khan which is discussed by him in this TED TALK video. 

Dr. Baba Saheb

 Hello Friends... Welcome to my new blog, but first of  I apologize for not posting blogs in mid time. Today I'm talking about our natio...