# 08 - August - 2019, Sunday.
# Shitala Satam v/s Science.
• In our country India religion people are living and we have lots of festival from there. Festival plays a vital role in human life, our day to day life routine life. Festival game happiness and joy. All festival connected with religion, how many meet behind this festivals and legendary stories. We have so many Myth behind festival, Temple, etc. But it have his own space. We have lots of festival like Holi-Dhuleti, chhath-Satam- Atham ,Navratri ,Dussehra ,Diwali ,New year ,Vasant Panchami ,Ganesh Chaturthi etc.
• If any critic and rational thinker come in India he observed our rituals and worshipping of God, disease of God like smallpox (people call it ori mata). Which type of impression he takes from India? And also we have got from nature like Vayudev ,Suryadev , Jaldevi , Varundev , etc. We have clear year of days and here is the extremely rooted in consciousness of human beings. Which things people can't control people give it a position of God and surrender himself on God.
• Now we talk about festival of Gujarat. In some regions of Gujarat shitala ( શીતળા ) satam is celebrated on Shud satam, while remaining regions it is on vad satam Gujarati month of Shravan. People especially womens of the family worship goddess shitala and pray for good health of her family. The eat food made On previous day, as called cold food. Please wait behind this is this will prevent diseases Ori and similar.
• The scientific reason behind this maybe by eating previous day food will increase immunity. And shitala satam is dedicated to God shitala uses of Pox chicken pox or cow pox.
" No medicine is given as it is
believed that the disease ap-
pears throughout some error
of fault in the worship of
' Shitala Mata '."
• The Godess of Pox and measles. It is observed for the welfare of children and family and its escape from measles and smallpox. Smallpox was the first disease that people tried to prevent themselves by including themselves with other infections. Smallpox inoculation has been occurring in India and other Nation for many years.
# Information About Small Pox

• Small Pox is an ancient disease caused by the variola virus. Early symptoms include fever and fatigue. Virus then produced a characteristic ros particularly on the face arms and legs.
• The speed of smallpox transmission it generally slower than for such disease as measles or chicken pox. Patients spread smallpox primarily to household members and friends because by the time patients are contagious , they are usually sick and stay in bed , large out breaks in school were uncommon.
• Smallpox no longer occurs naturally since it was totally eradicated by Alandi and painstaking process, which identified all cases and their contacts and and ensured they were all Vaccinated. Until then smallpox killed many millions of people. The pioneer of smallpox vaccine the world's first vaccine made by Edward Jenner. He was an English physician and scientist. The disease of cow pox is the Vaccine of smallpox. In 1976 was first experimented on his vaccine.

• Indians are worshipping daily disease as a God. In Indian rituals where is a very rational idea cold like butter ,buttermilk ,milk, card etc. India is a much busiest in worshipping of God and Goddesses. People have fear from God and also from disease. Saudi ka natak injection of disease they have so much fear from it and surrender himself to God. And they have fear to take the Vaccine of disease.
• If people are not aware about current disease. In 21st century many educated people living in the world and they also believing in God and Goddesses. NTR think God helps them every time and they can't have any Vaccine of disease. Till how can we survive from disease? It is crual mentality of religious people. Give advice to all friends ,family members, relatives to take Vaccines of disease. Come on let's aware about every disease and its Vaccine.
# Shitala Satam v/s Science.
• In our country India religion people are living and we have lots of festival from there. Festival plays a vital role in human life, our day to day life routine life. Festival game happiness and joy. All festival connected with religion, how many meet behind this festivals and legendary stories. We have so many Myth behind festival, Temple, etc. But it have his own space. We have lots of festival like Holi-Dhuleti, chhath-Satam- Atham ,Navratri ,Dussehra ,Diwali ,New year ,Vasant Panchami ,Ganesh Chaturthi etc.
• If any critic and rational thinker come in India he observed our rituals and worshipping of God, disease of God like smallpox (people call it ori mata). Which type of impression he takes from India? And also we have got from nature like Vayudev ,Suryadev , Jaldevi , Varundev , etc. We have clear year of days and here is the extremely rooted in consciousness of human beings. Which things people can't control people give it a position of God and surrender himself on God.
• Now we talk about festival of Gujarat. In some regions of Gujarat shitala ( શીતળા ) satam is celebrated on Shud satam, while remaining regions it is on vad satam Gujarati month of Shravan. People especially womens of the family worship goddess shitala and pray for good health of her family. The eat food made On previous day, as called cold food. Please wait behind this is this will prevent diseases Ori and similar.
• The scientific reason behind this maybe by eating previous day food will increase immunity. And shitala satam is dedicated to God shitala uses of Pox chicken pox or cow pox.
" No medicine is given as it is
believed that the disease ap-
pears throughout some error
of fault in the worship of
' Shitala Mata '."
• The Godess of Pox and measles. It is observed for the welfare of children and family and its escape from measles and smallpox. Smallpox was the first disease that people tried to prevent themselves by including themselves with other infections. Smallpox inoculation has been occurring in India and other Nation for many years.
# Information About Small Pox

• Small Pox is an ancient disease caused by the variola virus. Early symptoms include fever and fatigue. Virus then produced a characteristic ros particularly on the face arms and legs.
• The speed of smallpox transmission it generally slower than for such disease as measles or chicken pox. Patients spread smallpox primarily to household members and friends because by the time patients are contagious , they are usually sick and stay in bed , large out breaks in school were uncommon.
• Smallpox no longer occurs naturally since it was totally eradicated by Alandi and painstaking process, which identified all cases and their contacts and and ensured they were all Vaccinated. Until then smallpox killed many millions of people. The pioneer of smallpox vaccine the world's first vaccine made by Edward Jenner. He was an English physician and scientist. The disease of cow pox is the Vaccine of smallpox. In 1976 was first experimented on his vaccine.

• The use of Neem leaves is considered beneficial for the patient of smallpox. Neem has antiseptic properties and suffers bad in covered with Neem leaves. Neem has proved effective against certain fungi that infect the human body. Such fungi are an increasing a problem and have been difficult to control by synthetic fungicides.
" The tree's Sanskrit
Name was " Arishtha"
Meaning " Reliever Sickness."
• Some Myths and Facts about Smallpox.
• Myth of Smallpox
• Smallpox can be cured. Smallpox still occurs naturally. Not enough Smallpox Vaccine exists for everyone. The Vaccine is often deadly. Childhood Smallpox vaccinations would protect against a new attack. Vaccination won't work if given after exposure to the virus.
• Facts of Smallpox
• There is no proven treatment, thought newer antiviral drugs would repeat it probably be tried in the events of an outbreak. The last case was in 1977. The government believes it has plenty. Probably fewer than three per million would die from the shots. Protection probably wears off within 20 years. People are protected if Vaccinated within two or three days.
• Indians are worshipping daily disease as a God. In Indian rituals where is a very rational idea cold like butter ,buttermilk ,milk, card etc. India is a much busiest in worshipping of God and Goddesses. People have fear from God and also from disease. Saudi ka natak injection of disease they have so much fear from it and surrender himself to God. And they have fear to take the Vaccine of disease.
• If people are not aware about current disease. In 21st century many educated people living in the world and they also believing in God and Goddesses. NTR think God helps them every time and they can't have any Vaccine of disease. Till how can we survive from disease? It is crual mentality of religious people. Give advice to all friends ,family members, relatives to take Vaccines of disease. Come on let's aware about every disease and its Vaccine.