Monday, February 10, 2020

C. S. Ch - 3 Hamlet & To his coy mistress

Tuesday, 18 - March - 2020
Cultural Studies in Hamlet or To his coy Mistress.

Hello Reader...

Today I'm presenting one more blog about Cultural Studies. But in this blog I'm presenting two things, one play and one poem and also use Cultural Studies in those work. In this blog I'm writing about Culture and how Cultural Studies apply in play or poem.

Hamlet : 

"Hamlet" written by William Shakespeare. This is a tragedy or revenge play. Hamlet is a most important character.  'Hamlet' is the story of a 'Prince of Denmark , Hamlet.' Hamlet wants to take revenge of his father's death by his uncle Claudius. Shakespeare also changed entire story with making his Hamlet as a Philosophical Prince. This play concept is a very different or very Sophisticated of the way. Shakespeare novel is a very famous or different novel.

Cultural Studies examines power relationship also It emphasis on it for the example, Cultural Studies and its critics assume oppositional roles wherever they might be found. In this play some marganalized character. We have not been given enough importance and those who should have been given recognition in their lives. "Hamlet" is a "play within the play."

Hamlet belongs to Royal family. He was intelligent and educated with the proper understanding. Hamlet political power, indeed on all natter that deeply affect people's practical and day to day live. Here shown power is importance over life so if you have money that time your identity of main and give position. So the people who have money and power position they will given importance. Rosencrantz and Guildensten are marganalized character. Rosencrantz and Guildensten is major character in the play. Rosencrantz delivers speech is :

" The singular and peculiar life is bound with all the strength and armor of the mind to keep itself from Noyance ....
Each small annexment , petty consequence , attends the boisterous ruin. Never alone Did the king sigh but with general groan."

 Hamlet's Soliloquies : " To be or not to be..."

This passage is thoughtful and in Imagistically successful passage, worthy of a wise and Accomplished statement. But many readers and viewer to the play would rank. This paraphrase best Soliloquies "play within the play."

Rosencrantz and Guildensten is a marganalization character is the Shakespeare novel. This Novel is two character of marginalized, then let us look upon the Rosencrantz and Guildensten. There are a different of the novel. Both are voiceless and it is easy to forget which of the two speaks. He is a very beautiful or modern character of the play. Rosencrantz and Guildensten are distinctly plot driven empty of personality in a different way and eager to curry favor with power even if it means spying on their erstwhile friend. Their character are a very different individual, corporative. But most important of Hamlet because is a central hero is protagonist of the play. All the think of the power distance.

What is to be understood? It is necessary to enrich our response to Hamlet by looking at a related Cultural and Philosophical. Manifestation from the 20th century. In the 20th century the dead , or never living and Rosencrantz and Guildensten where resuscitated by Tom Stopper in a Fascinating re-seeing of their existence their existence, or it's lack. It is to note that the essence of marginalization is here Rosencrantz and Guildensten are archetypal human beings. In this play powerless Rosencrantz and Guildensten.

The meaning of their names it different or hardly match what seems to be the essence of their characters. Murray J. Levith is written by Rosencrantz - " Garland of Rose" or Guildensten - "Golden Star."

Power comes from diffrent situation and also behaviour, where Hamlet's madness gives power to Claudius, Hamlet's behavior is very different or there are create to a Claudius because Claudius kill to Hamlet's Father. Claudius was aware about power, clearly when he observed of Hamlet's " Madness in great once must not unwatched go."

The two character death of 20th century. For such is power in the world's of kings and Prince. The use of language is in that deconstruction or very simplified. Rosencrantz and Guildensten is a marganalization hero are archetypal human being caught up on ship nowhere except to death. Mor is it merely a literary construct.  England had known the effects of such power off and on for centuries.

Hamlet play is a related culture and philosophical view. Thus, a cultural and historical view that was Shakespeare's is radically reworked to reflect a cultural and philosophical view of another time.There needed no ghost to come from the world of the dead to tell Marvell’s speaker about the real world.

To his coy Mistress : 

Andrew Marvell born on 1621 and died on 1678. He was leading Poet of Renaissance period. In his poetry love, nature and religion are mixed up but there is delight in the pleasure of life. He also wrote political verse and satire. " To his coy Mistress " is most famous of all his poetry.

Theme :- Pleasure of Love.
The port beloved is very much shy. Life is very short. Lover should not west their time in a such a thing. They should enjoy the life. If they don't use it Death will come. So the Poet advise to his Mistress to leave the coyness and love him. It's a Matter of physical love, the need of physical love.

Argument to leave coyness
The poem is like an ode. It address to Poet beloved. By the title it is clear that the lady is very beautiful woman and she is conscious of it. There is satire on her. This is the argument of the Poet to explain her important of time. Time is very short for us. He says,
            " But at my back I always hear,
       Time's winged chariot hurrying near."

Difficult metaphor and images.
This is aspect of metaphysical poetry. The meaning is related to Love's slow growth. Lyrical quality of the poem is the supreme power of the Poet. This is mixed up with philosophy of life, love and death.

Sweetness of the poem.
It's a beautiful lyric, there are all the quality make the sweet. Line are like proverbial as they are short and sweet. Felling are strong and conveyed in rhythmic way. Powerful imagery, smiles, and metaphor help the diction. Assonance and consonance are plenty.

Heroic couplets.
The poem has specific rhyme scheme. Lines ending matching words. Such rhyme scheme is known as couplet. There is rhyme scheme is AA , BB , CC.

Historical facts of that time. First there are minor difference between historical fact and New historical fact. In 1650 great Plague happens in Europe. Historical fact is fact about past. Black death in grate plague of London from July to October it killed some 68,000 person and a total 75,000in the course of the epidemic.

Jules Brody tries to analyzed the poem through the Cultural Studies. In the first stanza he shows "it's insistent, exaggerated literariness." In the second stanza Brody sees not only the conventional carpe diem theme from Horace but also echoes from Ovid. Brody posits the " implied reader " as distinct from the fictive lady.

Marvell is a highly educated person. Belongs to the upper class. He thinks in terms of precious stone, of exotic and distant place. For the upper class people if is a milieu where eating, drinking, and making, merry seem to be an achievable way of life. We are justified in speculating that his coy lady is like the Implied Reader. Equally well educated , knowledgeable of the conventions Marvells uses in Parody.

During this era at least one quarter of the European population was below the poverty line. Nor, dose the speaker think of disease as a daily reality that might face. In the third stanza he alludes to Future death and dissolution. Although the speaker thrusts disease and death into the future, we know that syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases were just as real a phenomenon in Marvell's day as in our era.

One might turn to a different disease that was in some ways even more ominous, more wrenching, in it's grasp of the mind and body of the general population. Move ahead a few years beyond the probable time of composition of the poem in the early 1650s. Move to 1664-65 , that was then the London populace was faced with an old horror, one that had ravaged Europe as early as A. D. 542.

It did it again in it's most thoroughgoing way in the middle of the 14th century. Killing millions people perhaps 25 million in Europe alone. It was ready to strike again. It was of course a recurrence of the Black Death in the 'Great Plague of London.' from July to October it killed some 68,000 persons and total of 75,000 people in the course of the epidemic. It's physical manifestation, it's rapid spread , the quickness of the death.

So here we find that Marvell failed to represent the idea of historical fact of his contemporary era. And so instead of that he presented theme of love and beauty.

Thank you...

C. S. Ch - 2 five types of CS.

6 - February -2020
Five types of Cultural Studies.

Hello Reader...

I 'm presenting one more blog about Culture and Cultural Studies. Our Professor Dr. Dilip Barad Sir gives this blog a better understanding of Cultural Studies as well as Culture. Culture is part of our day to day life. Now we know what is Culture? And What is Cultural Studies ?. Culture is derives from the Latin word 'cultura.' to 'honor' and 'protect'. Culture is a symbolic communication. Culture is the knowledge of systems shared by a relatively large group of people. "Culture is the learned behavior of a society or a subgroup." Now we begin with British Cultural Materialism, and New Historicism, and American Multiculturalism, etc.

Five types of Cultural Studies

1.British Cultural Materialism.

Cultural Studies is referred to as "Cultural Materialism in Britain." Matthew Arnold redefine the givens to British culture.
Edward Tylor argued that "Culture or civilization taken in it's widest ethnographic sense is a complex whole which ' includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society."

Cultural Materialism began in 1950's with the work of F. R. Leavis and heavily influenced by Matthew  Arnold. Raymond Williams talks about attributes of working class and Elite class. " There are no masses ; there are only ways of seeing people as masses."

2. New Historicism.

New Historicism is a school of literary theory, first developed in 1980. The term 'New historicism' was created by the American critic Stephen Greenbellts. New Historicism is a literary theory based on the idea that Literature should be studied and interpreted within the context of both the history of the author and the history of the critic.

"New historicism is that it is a method based on the parallel reading of literary and non-literary texts, usually of the same historical period."
"Text is historical and history is textual."
- Michael Wallner.

3. American Multiculturalism.
As a philosophy, multiculturalism began as part of the Pragmatism movement at the end of the 19th century in Europe and the United States. American multiculturalism was come into existence in 1964 with the passing Civil Right Act.

" Every American should understand Mexico from the point of view of the observer of the conquest and of the history before the conquest...."

4.  Post Modernism and Popular Culture.

The Term "Post Modernism" first entered the Philosophical lexicon in 1979, with the publication of the Postmodern Condition by Jean - Francois Lyotard.

Popular Culture is the entirely of ideas, perspective, attitudes, images and
other Phenomena that are within the main stream of a given Culture, especially Western culture of the early to mid 20th century and the emerging global mainstream of the late 20th and early 21st century.

There are four main types of popular cultural Studies analyses like:

5. Post Colonial Studies.

Post Colonial theory is an academic discipline featuring methods of intellectual discourse that analyze, explain and respond to Cultural legacies of colonialism and of imperialism.

These Cultural Studies exists with particular ideas which shows particular cultural world. Sometimes popular culture can so overtake and repackage a literary work that it is impossible to read the original text without reference to the many layers of popular culture that have developed around it.

Thank you ....

Dr. Baba Saheb

 Hello Friends... Welcome to my new blog, but first of  I apologize for not posting blogs in mid time. Today I'm talking about our natio...