#Thinking Activity
••> Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
Key Points about Christopher Marlowe.
•• If you are going to Doubt,
Than Doubt your Limits...
•• The difference between
Stupidity and genius is that
Genius has its Limits....
- Unknown
••> Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe

Key Points about Christopher Marlowe.
• Christopher Marlowe was born in Canterbury , England. His date of birth is not known but he was baptised on 26 - Febuary - 1564 , the same year as William Shakespeare, who rose to become the pre-eminent Elizabethan playwright after Marlowe's mysterious early death.
• Marlowe was an English playwright, poet and translator of the Elizabethan era. Marolwe's play's are known for the use of blank verse and their over reaching protogonists. Marlowe's was the foremost Elizabethan tragedian of his day.
• Marlowe attended The King's School in Canterbury , and Corbus Christi College at Cambridge University received degrees in 1584 and 1587. His degree was awarded for his "faithful dealing" and "good service" to the Queen , specified by Council but it's letter to the Cambridge Authorities.
Marlow using Early Modern English language in his plays or writing. He was wrote such a great notable work like,
• Marlowe was an English playwright, poet and translator of the Elizabethan era. Marolwe's play's are known for the use of blank verse and their over reaching protogonists. Marlowe's was the foremost Elizabethan tragedian of his day.
• Marlowe attended The King's School in Canterbury , and Corbus Christi College at Cambridge University received degrees in 1584 and 1587. His degree was awarded for his "faithful dealing" and "good service" to the Queen , specified by Council but it's letter to the Cambridge Authorities.
Marlow using Early Modern English language in his plays or writing. He was wrote such a great notable work like,
• Marlowe's first play performed on the regular stage in London , in 1587, was Tamburlaine the Great, about the conqueror , Timur (Tamerlane), who rises from shepherd to warlord. Tamburlaine was a success and was followed with Tamburlaine and great Part 2 .
• One another play Edward the Second is an English history play about the preposition of King Edward II by his barons and the Queen , who resent the undue influence the King's favourite have in court and state affairs. The play register on 6-July-1593, five week's after Marlowe's death. In this play that Edward the second , King of England , with the tragical fall of Proud Mortimer.
• The Marlowe's first published as the famous tragedy of the rich The Jew of Malta. This play about The Jew Baraba's barbarous revenge against the city authorities dilivered by a character representing Machiavelli.
Respected Sir,
Here is my answer ........
Here is my answer ........
Question - 1
The play directed by Matthew Dunster for Globe theater ends with this scene ... What does it signify?
Answer - 1
• We're all in the same game just
different levels. Dealing with the
same Hell, just different Devils.
• This is picture about the Lucifer. This is the last seen of Dr. Faustus . Doctor Faustus written by Christopher Marlowe . In this play Faustus call Devil and than he gives his soul to devil. This is the story about the scholar Dr. Faustus and that was the tragedy about the scholar.
• This picture shows his success on God. Lucifer wins against God. His wide wings shows his power and self-esteem , and also the expression of Lucifer of his victory.
In this picture , this is the last seen of the play. In that play Lucifer won v/s god because he win Dr. Faustus soul and taking Dr. Faustus in last . And so the Lucifer show his victory in last with wide wings.
Question - 2
Answer - 2
• Some time god is present and some time god not present in this play.
• I think God was present in this play because Good Angle and Old Man also come to save Dr. Faustus.
• Christopherote many play , but in this play Marlowe wrote about the scholar person Dr. Faustus.
• "Good Angle was a symbol "
• "Old man also a good person
Comes for stop Dr. Faustus
Because he was going on wrong
Way so he come and stop Dr.
• I noted good angle was told many time to Dr FAUSTUS about his wrong way. Her voice consious some time and she told spiritually about his wrong path.
• Old man also come and told he can't kisses Helen because God condones him and he can't going in heaven.
• Chours also a good person he also helps Dr. Faustus.
• "Religious things stop the Spirit."
And also Mephistophilis indirectly told Dr. Faustus you are going wrong way.
Question - 3
Answer - 3
The play directed by Matthew Dunster for Globe theater ends with this scene ... What does it signify?
Answer - 1
• We're all in the same game just
different levels. Dealing with the
same Hell, just different Devils.
• This is picture about the Lucifer. This is the last seen of Dr. Faustus . Doctor Faustus written by Christopher Marlowe . In this play Faustus call Devil and than he gives his soul to devil. This is the story about the scholar Dr. Faustus and that was the tragedy about the scholar.
• This picture shows his success on God. Lucifer wins against God. His wide wings shows his power and self-esteem , and also the expression of Lucifer of his victory.
In this picture , this is the last seen of the play. In that play Lucifer won v/s god because he win Dr. Faustus soul and taking Dr. Faustus in last . And so the Lucifer show his victory in last with wide wings.
Question - 2
Is God present in the play? If yes, where and how? If No, why?
Answer - 2
• Some time god is present and some time god not present in this play.
• I think God was present in this play because Good Angle and Old Man also come to save Dr. Faustus.
• Christopherote many play , but in this play Marlowe wrote about the scholar person Dr. Faustus.
• "Good Angle was a symbol "
• "Old man also a good person
Comes for stop Dr. Faustus
Because he was going on wrong
Way so he come and stop Dr.
• "Chorus was also a good person
In this play. He also indirectly tell Dr. Faustus to stop this and do right things and use his power of knowledge on right way."
• Old man also come and told he can't kisses Helen because God condones him and he can't going in heaven.
• Chours also a good person he also helps Dr. Faustus.
• "Religious things stop the Spirit."
And also Mephistophilis indirectly told Dr. Faustus you are going wrong way.
Question - 3
3) What reading and interpretation can be given to this image (see the image of Daedalus and Icarus) with reference to central theme of the play Dr. Faustus?
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• " This is the image of two
Greek mythological character
The father Daedalus and
his son Icarus."
• In this picture son fall down on earth.
And father can't do anything
Because he fall on his own deeds.
• This is the story of Dr. Faustus
refered to one story of Greek
Mythology " Myth of lcarus."
refered to one story of Greek
Mythology " Myth of lcarus."
• In this picture son fall down because he cross his limits of flying , he was don't listen anyone and go up with his ego and self-esteem and so he fall down with high high. He fall down because his covetousness
, Over pride on his self, with warth , lechery, sloth ,etc things hinder to him .
• Icarus was not satisfied with what he had and he try to reach beyond his limits.When he goes closer to the sun wax melting and he fell into the sea.
Moral of the picture /story.
•• Every thing has a limit ,
Even Attitude has a limit,
Too much Attitude is bad ,
Just try to be the real You.
•• If you are going to Doubt,
Than Doubt your Limits...
•• The difference between
Stupidity and genius is that
Genius has its Limits....
- Unknown
Question - 4
How do you interpret this painting?
Answer - 4
This is painting about "the Nature" and about the " landscape." This painting painted by Pieter Bruegel The Elder.
In this picture three people on land scape and one person in the water, and that last person was dipped in water.
People busy with their own work they can't show the dipped person. In that picture shows Ego, self-esteem. In that picture 3 person stand up different hight but anyone don't show the person or that side, who dipped in water.
One person he was very nearer person to that person but he was busy with catch the fish and he can't show that side . This is the symbol of "priority."
Second person was shepherd , he also busy to show sky and with his animals and he also can't show that side and he can't save that person. That shows "Ignoring"
And third person the farmer was very high but he was busy to plough to farm. And that symbols Importance of work , selfish society.
Question - 5
Read this article by Bhagat Singh. In light of the arguments made by Bhagat Singh in this article, can you re-write last monologue of Doctor Faustus?
Answer - 5
• Bharat Singh was strong and powerful Athirst. Bhagat Singh was not bilived in God, he was also a strong Atheism in God.
• He told in his article " I did not give up my belief in God after these incidents.( Delhi bombing and Lahore conspiracy case).
• One other Atheist say that " You may believe in him when you feel like it." - comrade Sachindra Nath Sanyal
• If we change place of the character of Dr. Faustus on Bhagat Singh. Last monologue would be very different from real text. Let's show that interesting monologue of Dr. Faustus.
• [ The Clock Strikes the Half-hour]
• Bhagat Singh :- Oh.! Lucifer take my soul fast , I can't pray for my deeds to God. I know what I do and so I can't repant for my deeds. I request to Lucifer and Mephistophilis take my soul and fast go away to hell. I always pray to God because I'm an atheist. Oh.! Lucifer and Mephistophilis take my soul fast and enlarge my your Kingdom oh hell from God. I will never end my quest for knowledge , take my things, take my all books of Laibrary with us. Because I will go in laibrary for fulfill my quest of knowledge . I will return Oh.! Lucifer .. Oh.! Mephistophilis I will return.
Question - 6
Summarise articles discussed in the class:
- Marlowe and God: Tragic Theology of Dr. Faustus
- This is written by Robert Ornstein. Robert Ornstein wrote about the atheism of Marlowe' and described spiritual machiners of God and devil. In this Robert Ornstein was not bilived much in God he was also not believe in devil. Because he bilive in devil that means he strongly believe in God. He was strongly believe in him self. Ornstein has taken the reference of Faustbook to raise arguments about plot structure.he was writing this play , the author is doing his own catharsis. Marlowe's life was full of believe in God , devinity , controversies. In this young age, the fiery passion he has got, is unbearable to him, that is called Marlovian Enthusiasm. Faustus was a great Character of Marlow.
This is written by Kenneth L. Golden. He was wrote in this theory about psychology , Myth , and Archetypes given by Carl Jung. In this article Carl Jung talk about Marlowe's character on Dr. Faustus. He was the great scholar in his book. And he wants to fulfill his quest of knowledge. Dr. Faustus basic concepts of life and health was not fulfill and his imagination of God and Devil. We can show about Faustus " Swollen with cunnins of a self - conceit." In this book many dailouges taken deep meaning of Myth and Psychology. And in last of this , many changes comes in behaviour of Dr. Faustus is called equivalent.