Monday, July 29, 2019

Renaissance Literature

Compare and Contrast characteristics of Renaissance age with other ages.

Renaissance are more important in that age that was beginning of the modern era and that have many changes in that ages. The Renaissance was an artistic and cultural movement , which lasted roughly between the 14th and 17th centuries. 
The middle ages is a period defined as lasting from the end of the ancient world of the beginning of the early modern era. The middle ages were a time of abject societal feudalism and serfdom. The Renaissance was a time of enlightenment divine , inspiration and human spirit unleashed.
While the uncertain most historians would date this from roughly AD 500 To 1500. The corresponding roughly to the destruction of the Western Roman Empire and also a corresponding to the destruction of the eastern Roman Empire and Columbus's first voyage.
History is the story of a multitude of individual, each living as rich and varied an colourful a life as all of us today, and societies in the past were every bit as complex as our own."Renaissance" refers to an era of increased cultural activity , including , but not limited to , innovation in literature , painting, sculpture, architecture, philosophy, and  education.

The thousands years of period we call the Middle ages that was the full of marvellous inventions and discoveries and European society changed dramatically. The most famous Renaissance, which was marked by a bunch of rich people who were ancient Greece and Rome fanboys spending lots of money on paintings, statues buildings, and poetry that they thought mimiched ancient art.

In that time period starts (rise) many university, printing press, enthusiasm, etc. The Renaissance could not have happened without the development of the Mediaeval period infact, the Renaissance began on the 14th century well, within the middle ages.
Other examples of mediaeval Renaissance include the Macedonian Renaissance, the northern Renaissance,bthe Carolingian Renaissance , and , my personal favourite, the twelfth century Renaissance.
All developments of early modernity, thought it's scholars and artists liked to harken back to the glories of classical Antiquity, were but an out growth of a process that began a lot earlier. The Renaissance is a classical temple built on gothic foundations.

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