Friday, December 4, 2020

Assignment P-12

Name :- Sejal N. Solanki

Course & Year :- M.A. Sem 3(2019-2021)

Roll No. :- 25

Enrollment No. :- 2069108420200037

Paper :- English Language Teaching

Topic :- The Role of English in India.

Email :-

Submitted :- Prof. Dr. Dilip Barad Sir

                  :- Department of English

                  :- M.K.B.UNi.

English is not our native language; this language is borrowed from England. In this modern and global world English becomes necessary. Every field required Basic English. In education, business, multinational companies, science and technology, marketing and advertising, we use English language. That’s why English language is important for us and without it we can’t attach in the world. For example, if we go to foreign, visa is necessary, this process is done only when we are eligible in speaking English.

Sometimes in our mind question arises that why we have to learn English language?

    Many people believe that our mother tongue is this so we have to speak only this language. For example, if my mother tongue is Gujarati, I need only this language. But this idea is breaks when we go to another state because they have their own language. So we can’t understand it. English language is necessary to learn because it is the central language of the world. 

The role of English in India is now conducted with new generation and English as a globe in whole the world e pretend to learn and think. English is a skill to get a healthy job and survive in the international world. We cannot ignore the way that the English language has emerged as a powerful agent for change in India. 

India is a multilingual country but the spread and growth of English language is now on the top. And in India we see English education is now expanding very futile way. ELT is the curriculum that gives us techniques of this process and how in India it is become fashion and the thing of learning. When SLA comes in learners of English, that time we have to discuss the globalization world and one cannot ignore the world of E-learning. After that it is also necessary to include the term of CALL that now is so important in role of English that L2. TESOL is the base in which English in India is on the trek to call as Role of English in India is educated fruitful with it. 

Wherever we go, if we know English we can easily communicate with those people who knows English. In 21st century, computer and technology played a vital role in our world. Through technology, our world has become the dreamland.The English language is a powerful force not just for economics, business, and trade, but for mutual respect and progress. It is also becoming the common future of human commerce and communication. English is the best tool to provide good opportunity for the learner to learn. 

This is also the language of instruction in all the Universities and colleges across the country. The scenario is such that one needs to polish the skills of English to obtain a job. Mere knowledge of subjects is no more the only criteria to secure a job in today’s date. With the growing globalization, one must definitely be able to communicate in English and should have a good English vocabulary, if one wants to go across the country for educational or job purposes. Through multiple computer or mobile applications within a second or minute, we can transfer many things. So in all these fields English become necessary.

The Role of English in India 

When India attained freedom in 1947, many changes take place. In institutional and instrumental functions were retained, a new national flag symbolising, new values, pride and power to the emergence of a new society. Then which language make to official language, Hindi or English that question arise. Finally Hindi selected as Devnagri script, which will become the sole official language. In 1963, the parliament passed the Official Language Bill providing for the continued use of English. English now is the associate official language of the Union. The official language of the States with provision for continued use of English.

There are many important functions which English continues to perform in India today according to the reports of various commissions appointed by the Government to assess the role of English in India. The following pertinent conclusions can be drawn:

English is the language in which nearly all contemporary knowledge is accessible. It is the language of development. Obviously then, for healthy development in all fields of our national life, our scientists, technologists, doctors, engineers, agriculturists, economists and experts in numerous other fields must have access to the international professional literature in their respective fields, be able to contribute to it and exchange their views on important issues with their counterparts in other parts of the world. Most of these functions can, at present, be performed only through the medium of English and therefore it would not be wrong to say that it is our "window on the world".English enjoys the status of the "associate official language" and the de facto link language in our country.

 It is the language favoured by the industrial houses, legal and banking systems, trade and commerce and defence. English continues to be the medium of instruction at many post-graduate institutions, All India Institutes and other professional and technical institutions of higher learning. It is expected that English will continue to perform these functions for a long time to come. It is therefore necessary to provide facilities for learning English to those students who may want to pursue their higher studies at these institutions. The role of English as a "library language" cannot be undermined even where the medium of instruction is other than English.

After Independence, the different regions and linguistic groups to share its benefits because of the dependence on international powers. Positions of power dependence on international powers. Positions of power depended on the advantages of English. In the country, democratic political system people demands for equal treatment to all the major languages. Then English was projected as the neutral language with no regional or ethnic base in the country. English served as a political weapon for the non-Hindi elites to contain the emergence of Hindi as the new language of power. 

At that time lower castes in education employment through the system of reservation, English language give them access to wealth, power and status as it did to the higher castes earlier. In schools the medium of language is English. English is an alternative medium of school education like primary, middle and secondary. English medium is prestigeous and is in great demand. Because of the effect of the English lack of development of Indian languages. English taught in more than 2,00,000 schools. As a second language of bilinguals in India English stands for top of the list. More value of English become not good for India, because we face double face of English in India. For example, the number of the students learning English has greatly increased, but their level of competence in English has decreased. That’s why only learning English is not important but its level is important. 

The increasing demand for English decreases its standard. Speaking is one of the most difficult skills language learners would face. In spite of this, it has traditionally been forced into the background while teachers of English, have spent all the classroom time trying to teach students how to write, to read and sometimes even to listen. English speaking is generally thought to be the most important of the four skills. This skill is the most complicated due to the fact that non-native speakers have to interpret not only the message that other speakers try to express, but also take into account other possibilities. The term Second Language is understood in two different ways;

Ø English as second language at primary
Ø English as a second language in school education after the primary stage and has a pedagogical as well as functional definition, in the context of ‘three- language formula’

English Language understood as a Second Language to Historical Perspective:

English in India is a symbol of linguistic centralism. Indian languages seen to be as represent linguistic regionalism. ‘English-knowing’ is a part of conceptual structure and it has three parts: 

modernization, mythology and language policy.

Concept of modernization and internationalism were invoked in English became the language of both modernization and internationalism.

Language-planning operated with a whole set of lexical weaponry that gradually created a new mythology. 

Regional Languages- ‘regional’ is in opposition to ‘national’. English is one ‘pan-Indian’ language that would promote National Integration.

English language had come into India along with colonization. The British, as they set their empire in our country brought in their language too. They realized the necessity for this for their own selfish needs. But it did do lots of good for us in the later years. The missionaries also did some role in spreading English education in order to preach their religion. There were lots of debates to eradicate English language in the post-colonial scenario. All these were more on a nationalistic sentiment basis. But these arguments came to an end and English was decided to be made the Associate Official Language until further decisions were taken. During the British reign, the medium of instruction in all governmental institutions was English. This continued now too. English was also helpful in solving the crises of languages in India. Our country has many languages and the States were divided on linguistic majority basis. So when time came to decide about a National language, there were lots of issues. Though Hindi is our National language today, there were lots of issues then. 

English acted as a link or bridge language and cut across all regional linguistic barriers solving a major issue. It became our language of communication. On example for this is the Judiciary system in our country. Almost every action from the dressing to the presentation of cases happens in the way it happened during the times of the British. They had created the system. We made certain small changes to it. But still many of that day’s aspect exist even today, just like the English language.

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