Thursday, June 3, 2021

Assignment Paper 15

Assignment :- Paper :- 15

Hello Readers....

Name: - Sejal N. Solanki
Roll no. :- 25
Class :- M.A. Sem :- 4 
Year. :- 2019 - 2021 
Email. :-
Paper. :- Mass Media and Communication
Topic. :- Mass media and news 
Submitted :- Dr. Prof. Dilip Barad Sir. 
                   :- Department of English
                   :- MKB University. 

Mass media and News

What is mass communication and mass media ?

We know that mass communication is a process of disseminating messages to a large number of audiences through some forms of technology at a time. And some forms of technology used to disseminate messages is the mass media.

Mass media are the means of public communication reaching to the large, scattered, heterogeneous and anonymous audience at the same time. Mass media have been proved a boon to human society. Nothing has influenced the lives of modern men as the mass media have.

Mass media plays an important role in the life of society. Most people agree that the 21st century can be called the “age of media”, which is quite true as the world of media influences us in different ways. However, some of these bring benefits for us, there are also bad points. 

Since the advancement of technology, people today are getting attached to television and films. Books also make it a passion to stand at the top of the media list. Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. The most common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet. The general public typically relies on the mass media to provide information regarding political issues,social issues, entertainment, and news in pop culture.

Mass media are the powerful means that do not only influence today’s world but also shape the globe of tomorrow. In this case, the mass media performs an essential task in order to cast its effect on the audience and maintain society. Many scholars have argued different functions of mass media. Even so, we can classify the functions of mass media into two categories: general functions and specific functions.   

Under the general functions of mass media, following points are incorporated.We use all kinds of terms to talk about media. It will be useful to clarify them. It will be especially important to distinguish between mass communication and mass media, and to attempt a working definition of culture. Let’s start with mass communication first. Note that adjective: mass. Here is a horrible definition of mass from an online dictionary: of, relating to, characteristic of, directed at, or attended by a large number of people. But the definition gets the point across. 

Communication can take place just between two people, or among a few people, or maybe even within one person who is talking to himself. Mass communication is communication of, relating to, characteristic of, directed at, or attended by a large number of people. That’s pretty ugly. Let’s try the following: Mass communication refers to communication transmitted to large segments of the population.

What is News ?? And What is Newspaper?  

News is information about current events. This can be provided by many different mediums: word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic communication, or by the testimony of observers and witnesses of events. It is sometimes called "hard news" to distinguish news from soft media.Newspaper is a form of printed media. It is a powerful medium of mass communication. It gained popularity day by day. It is published in many different languages ​​all over the world. All kinds of news like sports, business, politics and showbiz are available in the newspaper. Newspapers are the powerhouse of information. It contains news from the world of politics. It makes common people aware about what is happening around the world. 

Technically, a newspaper is a periodical publication usually issued on a daily or weekly basis. This includes news, opinion articles, features, advertisements and other information of public interest. This is an excellent source of information. Newspaper is a paper that is printed and usually distributed daily or weekly and includes news, opinion articles, features and advertisements. 

Newspapers are becoming like news magazines, providing long analyzes of the world’s evolving events and newspapers featuring people, corporations and social trends, and at the same time showing a more preferred layout to photographs. Where they cannot compete with online news media in terms of speed, newspapers differentiate themselves in terms of information, analysis and coverage of trends that are not published elsewhere. As newspapers, they still try to maintain their identity. Many articles that are meant to provide readers with background, perspectives, and interpretations of important public events may contain references to related events that have occurred recently - a day before the article's publication, blurring the line between, to add a touch of news. Direct news stories and analytical articles. In live news stories, situational,unfamiliar, and other descriptive types of leads may be employed instead of the traditional 5W1H lead paragraph indicating the inverted pyramid structure.

News media or news industry are forms of mass media that focus on delivering to the general public or target people. These include print media newspapers, newsmagazines, broadcast news radio and television and internet newspapers online newspapers, news blogs, news videos, live news streaming etc.

There were few news spreads in Renaissance Europe. These handwritten newspapers contained news about wars, economic conditions and social customs and were circulated among merchants. The first printed news was published in the late 1400s in a German pamphlet, which contained material that was often provocative. The first newspaper written in English was The Weekly News, published in London in 1621. Some papers came later in the 1640s and 1650s. In 1690, the first American newspaper was published in Boston by Richard Pierce and Benjamin Harris. However, it was not approved by the government to be published and was immediately suppressed.

Newspapers may address a general audience, focus on a geographic area, or cover a specific topic, such as newspapers of a specific business, industry, or interest. Newspapers are traditionally supported by subscription or single-copy sales of newspapers, along with selling advertising space. Throughout history, newspapers have sometimes been subsidized by organizations or interest groups, including political parties. Large-circulation newspapers, such as emerging 19th-century New York, seek to appeal to a wider audience (and wider advertising market) than explicitly biased newspapers.

As the Internet spread to the World Wide Web in the 1990s, newspaper companies shifted from print editions to web versions of stories and, in subsequent decades, original content. By 2009, the distinction between a printed newspaper and an online newspaper had blurred. By 2009, some newspapers were shifting from daily print production to daily web production with weekly printed editions. Newspapers are an important part of our life and we read them everyday. It is usually divided into different categories like politics, economics, sports and arts so that the reader can choose his favorite field. Newspapers are an important tool for public awareness. In a democracy, it acts as a link between the government and the people. It acts as a voice against injustice. Some of the newer web-publications adopted the reporting and writing style typically associated with printed newspapers.

Newspaper advertising categories include:

"Display advertising" - Rectangular advertising, often including images, usually for commercial products and services or to convey thematic or political messages

"Categorized Ads" - (Short ads, mostly text-only, presented in column form by topic: item for sale, need help, personal message, etc.)

Coupons - small promotional ads that can be cut or torn, which can be redeemed for a discount on the product.

Newspapers are the largest employers of print media.

Newspaper is a lightweight and disposable publication, in particular, periodicals, usually printed on low cost paper called newsprint. It can be general or special interest, and can be published daily, weekly, binary, monthly, bimonthly or quarterly. General interest newspapers are usually current news journals on a variety of topics. This can include opinions such as political events, crime, business, sports and editorials, commons or political cartoons. Many also include weather news and forecasts. Newspapers increasingly use photographs for communication; It always includes comic strips and other entertainment, such as crosswords.

A newsmagazine, sometimes called a news magazine, is usually a weekly magazine containing articles on current events. Newspapers generally go deeper into stories than newspapers, trying to give readers a sense of the context of important events rather than important facts.


Media is still one of the most important forms of media in this age of television. Reading newspapers is a good habit. As a student, it improves your reading skills and abilities, but also informs you about current problems. There are many other benefits of reading newspapers, such as improving the ability to read words. Newspapers contain not only news, but also amusing satires like riddles and riddles, various interesting articles, amusing facts to keep the readers engaged. On the other hand, the newspaper has a separate section on fashion trends, lifestyle and life stories.

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