Saturday, October 12, 2019

Paper 4 Indian Writing in English

Name : Sejal N. Solanki 
Roll No. : 36
Semester : 1.
Batch : 2019 - 2021
Enrollment No. : 2069108420200037
Email :
Class : M.A. Sem : 1
Paper : 4. ( Indian Writing in English )
Topic : Summary of The Purpose 
Submitted by Dr. Dilip Barad 
    Department of English 
Maharaja Krishnakumar singhji Bhavnagar University.
Word Count : 1696

The Purpose written by T. P. Kailasam.

'The Purpose' written by a well-known writer T. P. Kailasam. [ Thanjavur Paramasiva Kailasam (1884–1946 )]. T.P. Kailasam, was a playwright and prominent writer of Kannada literature. His contribution to Kannada theatrical comedy earned him the title Prahasana Prapitamaha, 'the father of humorous plays' and later he was also called 'Kannadakke Obbane Kailasam' meaning 'One and Only Kailasam for Kannada'.

About the Play The Purpose.

  • This play divided into Two acts.
  • The main characters : Arjuna , Drona , and Eklavya.
  • The centre theme based on Adi Parva of The Mahabharata.
  • The Purpose of learning Archery.

In this play writer talking about the three character of Mahabharata Arjuna , Dronacharya and Eklavya. In this play writer compare the both great archers. Arjuna and Eklavya was the great archer.In this book kailasam wrote about the two great archery Arjun and Eklavya. Arjun was a Kshatriya belongs to Powerful upper caste and he was arrogant and prodigal prince he was Pandavas brother.And Arjuna wants to be a great archer of the world and  Eklavya was save animals of forest. And Dronacharya was give knowledge to the Arjuna only , because of the order of Bhishma Pitamah. Dronacharya was giving his knowledge only to the Khatriyas. 

Eklavya was a weak person from lower caste and he was a severe of animal of jungle helps all the person and all animals.He was a lower caste person and also he was a great archer. And with his that specity he also save animals. In that play T. P. Kailasam make Eklavya the hero. But in real Mahabharata Arjuna was the Hero. 

Arjuna was the prince of Hastinapur and son of Pandu. Eklavya was a weak person from lower caste but he knows very well Archery. Arjuna was know great archery. Arjun as Guru Dronacharya was given whole knowledge about Archery and other shastra vidhya to give all kshatriyas. But Eklavya make Idol of Dronacharya for the purpose of knowledge of Archery and also without any information and without any guidance and knowledge. But Eklavya was have good knowledge of Archery from Arjuna. That's why Dronacharya wants Eklavya thumb.

And also Arjun can't compare himself with Eklavya because he has the same knowledge of great Aakhri without any teacher. But also he gives his thumb to Dronacharya because he thought he was his teacher. Eklavya was a great example of a student. 

He belongs to the weak people of lower caste. I think and also as a writer says Eklavya was the subaltern person in the Play. Because he was coming from lower caste and I think and also as writer says Eklavya was Subaltern because he can't have any kind of knowledge and he was belongs to weak person and lower class. You can't have any political power and money and he was a simple person. That's why Eklavya was a subaltern. Because he can't have any knowledge about Archery but he knows very well Archery.

But I gave promised to Arjuna that he would make him the greatest archer in the world and we find some dialogue between Arjuna and Eklavya,





         So, we find hear how beautifully T.P.Kailasam show that class and class conflict, in more deeply because of Eklavya was a Nishaada boy and that's why Drona can't accept Eklavya as a pupil.
         In the second Act Drona and Arjuna one day see that Eklavya became a good archer because.

        He made a statue of Drona and starts his practice. In the second act Drona and Arjuna meet Eklavya and knows that he became a good archer. At that time Arjuna blame on Drona that you are a liar and suddenly Eklavya gave his thumb as a Gurudakshina. At that time Drona said that

“ Little man! What have you done?”


         So, we find many differences in Mahabharta's story and Kailasam's Purpose. Eklavya's purpose is very clear, very loyal and humble towards Gurujee and how Kailasm portrayed selfish character of Arjuna. Mahabharta's Eklavya is voiceless and Kailasam gave voice. We can see how beautifully deconstructed the character of Arjuna and the myth.

As per my views about the education system in India was very poor in past time only coming have knowledge of others and all things like , Kshatriya have knowledge about the fighting and brahmins have knowledge about Vedas and Puran. And other caste can't have knowledge about anything because they can't learn from anywhere. Baby live on brahmins only what they are saying then at that time all people believe blindly on brahmins But nowadays people have knowledge system was changed because many people come in India for the purpose of Business.  

That time many people come two ruling on India. Change the education system of India. In changing the education system of India Britishers and others are giving much part for changing system. Theek hai give knowledge about education and about the study. Nowadays, after that we know the importance of study and be aware about education. After that we have many changes in our education system and nowadays we learn online everywhere and that is money beneficial for all the people. People learn today everywhere with Internet and it's very beneficial for us. That's why all  people learn.

‘The Purpose’ is a mythical play that deals with the past and its show us many things like culture, religion and the ancient time of India. ‘Mythical story is always a fable of people’ it’s like a tell that spreading our culture and its value. By the time of king’s rule we can say that some people are creates a kind of view towards it. But in the way myth is;

“By a myth ... I mean primarily a certain type of
story in which some of the chief characters are
gods or other beings larger in power than humanity.”

~ Northrop Frye

Kailasam’s plays have a Uniform technical excellence and for this, C.R. Reddy has said that,

“Greater than any writer I have known is Kailasam in dramatic technique.”

Kailasam tried to high-light something which in original myth was neglected. Let’s see how the playWright made changes in original myth and the reason being behind it. To know about all the things first of all we have to understand this both the Characters. It is very important to understand the play deeply.“Greater than any writer I have known is Kailasam in dramatic technique.”

In Mahabharat Dronacharya was the Guru of Pandavas and Kauravas he was the great teacher he gives his whole knowledge about Shastra Vidya and other things he gives to Pandavas and Kauravas. So that side he was a great teacher and ideal teacher for Pandavas and Kauravas. He helps everywhere to them and they give respect to Dronacharya. 

I say yes, he was an ideal teacher then that side it is right but side of Eklavya that is wrong, it can't give justice to Ekalvya. Because Eklavya gives his thumb to Dronacharya. Dronacharya was an ideal teacher on side of Arjuna because he gives his knowledge to only Kshatriyas. 

Dronacharya gives his whole knowledge about Sarkari and other sister vidyas he gives Arjun , Pandavas and Kauravas.
But side of Eklavya he was not an ideal teacher because he has a glorious Right Hand Thumb that is Golden thumb for him and he uses this thumb for Archery. He gives that Thumb to Dronacharya for his Guru Dakshina. Anton Acharya was accepted happily so that's why you was not an ideal teacher for Eklavya on my point of view. Eklavya was a great example of a student.

In the Purpose we find that Eklavya from low caste, he was Nishada boy and Arjuna was King's boy, prince and he was Arya. So Eklavya can't study Archery from Guru Dronacharya, because he was Nishada boy. At that time, only high class or King's sons learn archery, and Drona was Guru only Arjuna not any other. So we can say that Nishada is Subaltern cast or group of people and Eklavya was as a Subaltern person. Even his purpose to learn archery is good and he was smarter than Arjuna yet he cannot become great archer because of his caste. He learned archery by himself, yet he compromised with Arjuna as a cost of Gurudakshina and lost his thumb it's not only lost his thumb but lost his archery also.

We think deeply on this topic at that time we find this type of problem in our society, even in this 21st century also. We find many people in the village they don't use food and water of lower class people and even lower class people living out of villages they don't get proper education and a good job. Just because of their caste. Not only villages in city we see the problems of caste and class. Higher class and lower class. And many problems are created it's just because of rigid thought.

Conclusion : 

So, at the end we can say that Kailasm's main purpose is to saw the burning issue of this subaltern kind of question in our society, because come characters who are ruling over the other, and that
's why this type of situations create. Because power is the center. We find in the Purpose also. We have one good think that “HUMAN” and “HUMANITY” is more important than any other class, caste, name and religion. Start believes in humanity. Because humanity is our first identity and first religion.   

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