Saturday, October 12, 2019

Paper 1 Renaissance Literature.

Name : Sejal N. Solanki 
Roll No. : 36
Semester : 1.
Batch : 2019 - 2021
Enrollment No. : 2069108420200037
Email :
Class : M.A. Sem : 1
Paper : 1. ( The Renaissance Literature )
Topic : Renaissance Literature ,
            ( History of Renaissance literature ) 
Submitted by Dr. Dilip Barad 
    Department of English 
Maharaja Krishnakumar singhji Bhavnagar University.
Word count : 1903

  •     The Renaissance literature

  •     Introduction 
                  The Renaissance began in England during the reign of Henry 7. It 's effects were twofold : on life and literature and on religion. In the middle ages were all under the authority of Roman Catholic church. It declared that man was another sinner but with all learning the Monopoly of the church removed.
                   With the revival of learning , after the flight of Greek scholars from Constantinople to the west of europen countries , of Greek and Latin classes gave. Freeplay of inquiry. A revivald in treat in life art , literature , science and Philosophy . Hence it was known as the golden age (Henry 8 & - Queen Elizabeth - 1558 to 1603)

 The reign of Queen Elizabeth from (1558-1603). The reign of Elizabeth was an era of contemplation and action , an era which was famous for the development of all branches of literature , of inventions and discoveries . This period was a golden and in the history of England in the words of Milton.

             " A noble and puissant 
               nation , rousing her self , 
               Like a strong men after sleep."

About Queen Elizabeth

" Hers was an age in which men lived 
Intensely, thought intensely and wrote intensely." 

About King

" People rightly so in her the two
Spirit of the nation and the age."

            " Renaissance" was an intellectual rebirth which showed itself the way to free himself from the federalism Monopoly of church and give them the right to live and think independently.

            " Renaissance " is a French word meaning "Rebirth". The period is called by these names because at that time, people started talking and interest in the learning of ancient times, in particular the learning of ancient Greece and Rome. The Renaissance was seen as a 'rebirth' of that learning. The Renaissance was often said to be the start of the "Modern Age".

              During the Elizabethan age literature reached the top of the peak because of the encouragement and inspiration of Queen Elizabeth she loved and like literary creators that's why the  age is a supreme in the field of literature each and every soul worship her as a Pinto says about her,

" Rightly saw in her the incarnate
 spirit  of the nation and the Age.

               The period of Elizabeth age is a part of the whole Renaissance movement, which started in 1550 and remained in England until 1060. The word 'Renaissance' is a French word original used by 'Michelet Jules' a historian in his book ' Historian - de - France ' in 1855. Which means 'Rebirth' , 'Revival' or 'Re-awakening'.

               The Renaissance or Elizabethan age is both the revival of ancient learning , classical mythology literature and culture as well as awakening of the human mind after a long sleep of dark middle ages. It is as if mankind where awakened from a long sleep look at the glory of nature with astonishment according to Tain,

" That man so long blinded had 
Suddenly opened his eyes and seen."

  • Fall of Constantinople [Name of place ] in 1453
  • Inventions of printing press -1476- caxton .
  • Writer in Italy.
  • Dante , petrarch , Boccaccio
  • Translations of Bible and manuscript of Greek and Latin literature.
  • John wycliff - Translation of the Bible - 1380 - Reformation 
       1611 - authorized version ( Bible.)  

The national life is undoubtedly connected with the development of national literature. Queen Elizabeth loved England and England's greatness and that she inspired all her people. Under her administration that English National live progress by gigantic Leaps than by slow process   and English literature reached the highest point of its development. Idhar aa many pictures of this great age which had its effect on its literature.

  • Revival of learning 
 The first and foremost tendency of Elizabethan age was revival of learning. For example , the study of classical Greek and Latin literature. Because of the Fall of Constantinople ( fall of turkistan) in 1453. Scholar keynes to England with the classical manuscripts. Hence, there was a revival of learning this Literature.

  • Invention of Printing Press 
The printing press was brought to England by caxton in 1476 and for the first time in history at was possible to give book for an idea to the whole Nation. In That time period books are strat to print and people also read those books.

  • Reformation
For the first time the fundamental question of religious tolerance seems to be solved and the mind of man free from religious fear to turn to creativity. This freedom of Mind gave Elizabethan age great motivation and it's also called Golden Age.

  • Social Contentment
Increasing trade brought enormous wealth to England with the help of voyages and defect of Spanish Armada ( 1588 ),  New Horizons of life were open. The increase of wealth , the improvement in living , the opportunities for labours brough new social contentment.

  • Enthusiasm
It is in an age of Dreams , adventure , unbounded enthusiasm etc. Explorers searching for new land, her scientist wear discovering new universe and her poets are creating new literature. Enthusiasm was spreading in all branches of life as Bacon said , 

" I have taken all Knowledge
For my Province." 

Introduction of Writer 
  • Great Elizabethan poetry. 


The five main qualities of Spenser's poetry are :

(1) a perfect melody
(2) a rare sense of beauty
(3) a splendid imagination, which could gather into one poem heroes, knights, ladies, dwarfs, demons and dragons, classic mythology, stories of chivalry, and the thronging ideals of the Renaissance,all passing in gorgeous procession across an ever-changing and ever-beautiful landscape; 
(4) a lofty moral purity and seriousness; 
(5) a delicate idealism, which could make all 
nature and every common thing beautiful. In contrast with these excellent qualities the reader will probably note the strange appearance of his lines due to his fondness for obsolete words, like eyne (eyes) and shend (shame), and his tendency to coin others, like mercify, to suit his own purposes. It is Spenser's idealism, his love of beauty, and his exquisite melody which have caused him to be known as "the poets' poet." Nearly all our subsequent singers acknowledge their delight in him and their indebtedness. 
Macaulay alone among critics voices a fault which all who are not poets quickly feel, namely that, with all Spenser's excellences, he is difficult 
to read. The modern man loses himself in the confused allegory of the 'Faery Queen' skips all but the marked passages, and softly closes the 
book in gentle weariness. Even the best of his longer poems, while of exquisite workmanship and delightfully melodious, generally fail to hold 
the reader's attention. The movement is languid; there is little dramatic interest, and only a suggestion of humor. The very melody of his verses 
sometimes grows monotonous, like a Strauss waltz too long continued. We shall best appreciate Spenser by reading at first only a few well-chosen 
selections from the 'Faery Queen' And the Shepherd's Calendar, and a few of the minor poems which exemplify his wonderful melody. 

Philip Sidney 

PHILIP SIDNEY (1554-1586). Sidney, the ideal gentleman, Sir Calidore of Spenser's "Legend of Courtesy," is vastly more interesting as a man than as a writer, and the student is recommended to read his biography rather than his books. His life expresses, better than any single literary work, the 
two ideals of the age personal honor and national greatness. As a writer he is known by three principal works, all published after his 
death, showing how little importance he attached to his own writing, even while he was encouraging Spenser. The Arcadia is a pastoral romance, 
interspersed with eclogues, in which shepherds and shepherdesses sing of the delights of rural life. Though the work was taken up idly as a summer's 
pastime, it became immensely popular and was imitated by a hundred poets. The Apologie for Poetrie  (1595), generally called the Defense of 
Poesie appeared in answer to a pamphlet by Stephen Gosson called The School of Abuse (1579), in which the poetry of the age and its unbridled pleasure were denounced with Puritan thoroughness and conviction. The Apologie is one of the first critical essays in English; and though its 
style now seems labored and unnatural,the pernicious result of Euphues and his school,it is still one of the best expressions of the place and 
meaning of poetry in any language. Astrophel and Stella is a collection of songs and sonnets addressed to Lady Penelope Devereux, to whom Sidney had once been betrothed. They abound in exquisite lines and passages, containing more poetic feeling and expression than the songs of any other minor writer of the age. 

Origin and Development  of Drama 

           The Elizabethan age was an age of great thoughts and great action, apply to eyes as well as 2018 Asian and intellect, finds its literary expiration neither poetry nor the story but in Drama. Thoughts, feelings, action represented in the drama in the best way.

            Initially the drama had religious origin the first directors drama drawn from the Bible. The objective of plays was to make emphasize on the moral lesson by showing. the reward of good and the punishment of evil. The charge becomes the stage for the place there were two types of play famous in religious period : (1). Miracle plays and (2). Mystery plays. The name miracle plays was used for all the place representing the lives of saints and name mystery these was given to all the place related with the life of Christ. 

          Gradually this place where taken from church to town. In the town people from the cycle of the play with the creation and ending with final judgement after life of Christ.

              The four famous cycle of plays Chester, York, Covetri, and Wake - fields. At first the actress as well as authors is plays were the Priests and their assistance. Later , when the town took up the place they  have selected actors and stories in 1576, the first playhouse, "The theater" was built.

Morality Plays.

  1. Morality plays always present triumph of virtue and the evil always defeated.
  2. The interludes originated as a comic relief an Elizabethan Age. 
  3. Artistic period of Drama.

The artistic period as the final stage in the development of English grammar the chief purpose is not too. Immoral life but to present human life as it is. The first comedy 1556 Ralph Royster Doyster. The first true play in English with regular blood divided into acts and the saints is probably the first comedy Ralph Royster Doyster written by Nicholas Udall in 1556. Gorboduc written by a famous writer Thomas Sackville , Thomas Norfon.

Three Unities of Drama.

  1. Time 
  2. Place
  3. Action

In the classic play the Dramatic use Unities of Time , Action and Place were strictly follows.

  1. Time and place most remain the same. 
  2. The play cord represent a period of only a few hours. 
  3. The character remains Unchanged.
  4. Important events should not be presented on the stage but only announced. 
  5. There should be a sharp line between Tragedy and Comedy.

  • Conclusion
To sum of the age of Elizabeth was a time of intellectual Liberty of growing Intelligence and comfort among classes of unbounded Patriotism and enthusiasm and of peace at home. hands we can say that the period of Elizabeth was the true period of renesa and at is known as golden age. 

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