# 20th February 2021
# Thinking Activity
Hello Readers....
Literature refers to a subject that we study deeply and is full of feelings and emotions and with some information and interesting things. But in this things we have to study that how we learn languages and how others learn languages from us. And how we teach language to other. So now we can talk about how we learn language and how we teach language now a days. And how Literature helps us to learn languages and teach language.
English education in India is largely based on the teaching of literature. It has only changed in recent years from teaching language to literature. The relationship between literature and English language education has been a difficult one during all these years. In many situations, when English language teaching took a structured approach, literature was taught as a separate subject. Nevertheless, current approaches have endeavored to review the value of literature and have begun to maintain its value again. These approaches emphasize the value of teaching literature in many ways, primarily as an agent for language development and improvement.
1) What sort of activities or tasks can be designed to teach language using a 'novel' or 'short story'.
Literature is an oral art that draws readers to appreciate the beauty of language. Literature is used in English language education to give students a sense of the classics of literature, to increase the general cultural awareness of students, to stimulate students' creative and literary imagination, and to develop their appreciation of literature. Literature of Genuine samples very wide range of styles registers and text types with different level of difficulty
Literary texts are naturally design as opinion gap activities since the text can never mean the same to two individual readers.
Are best ways to indicate language properties like coherence and text organisation. Literary texts provide a rich source of linguistic input and in addition to giving learners examples of grammatical compositions and presenting new vocabulary, skills in four languages - listening, speaking, reading, and writing -. Literary texts provide opportunities for multi-social classroom experiences and can appeal to a variety of learning styles.
Novels and short stories develop speaking skills.Novels enhance listening skills. Novels encourage students to read outside the classroom. Novels expand students' vocabulary. Novels motivate students inside the classroom. Novels introduce students to different cultures. Novels help students overcome cultural differences. Novels improve reading skills. Novels strengthen writing skills.
Novels are a large form of literature, where we can find more opportunities to teach language. In teaching English as a foreign language, the novel plays a vital role in developing and enhancing the language skills because in the novel the full range and variety of the English language is displayed with concrete examples of writing skill in action.
Novels encourage students to read outside the classroom and they will know about new culture so knowledge will be increased. Using novels in the classroom is beneficial. There are many plus point which I put here because through it teacher can develop the basic skill of learners, like reading and writing and learner as well. Novels motivate students inside the classroom.
A can be a stimulating resource for activities for language learners without necessarily involving them in a dedicated analysis of a highly literary criticism nature.
2) What sort of activities or tasks can be designed to teach language using a 'film or videos.
Video and it's subtitle will help learners to increase the vocabulary.When they will see the writing in video learner will focus on spelling and correct spelling or words they will get. we can put words and image to gather so teacher can clear concept of thing. Film will help learners to watch many things and study on that. There is study of camera angle. Which gives so many new things to learn.
Video materials provide visual aids for the listening materials that learners are exposed to When they are practicing their listening skills, learners often find it difficult to hold their attention long enough once they are exposed to long conversations or passages without visual aids.
Videos can provide much more information for listeners and can keep the attention focused on the aural material. On the other hand, authentic video materials can create a more realistic language learning environment and stimulate learners’ interest in English learning and enhance their comprehensive linguistic competence.
The relationship between literature and English language teaching has been rather a difficult marriage throughout all these years. In many situations while English language teaching adopted a structural approach, literature was taught as a separate subject. Nowadays literature also teaches for language learning purposes. Teaching is not an easy task. So there are many ways to teach them English or any language. Language learning theories state that the process of language learning includes three key parts: language input (reading and listening), assimilation internal processing and memorization, and language output speaking, writing, and translation. Here I talked about novel short stories and video or film. Through them we can teach language and literature as well.
Thank you...
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