Elaine Showalter and Gayatri Chakravorty spivak
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Here I would like to write blog about two most famous female author Elaine Showalter and Gayatri Chakravorty spivak I would wrote about Feminism. In this blog, so lets see this blog. We know that when you torture someone constantly the person will definitely retaliate and the same thing happened with the subaltern or oppressed women a new turm emerged : Feminism,it is a range of social movements political movements and ideologies that aim to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes. Feminism incorporates the position that societies prioritize the male point of view, and that women are treated unfairly within those societies. Efforts to change that include fighting gender stereotypes and seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to those for men.This blog is our thinking Activity, given by Dilip Barad sir Department of English Bhavnagar University.
Elaine Showalter
Elaine Showalter, American literary critic and teacher and founder of gynocritics. She developed the concept of "gynocritics" and practised it through her life career. She, beings a specialized in Victoria literature, wrote on Pre-Victorian, Victorian, and modern female writers observing their social, cultural, religious and financial status in their own periods. She is well known and respected in both academic and popular cultural fields.
Elaine Showalter is an American literary critic, feminist, and writer on cultural and social issues. She is one of the founders of feminist literary criticism in united states academic developing the concept and practice of gynocritics. She is well known and respected in both academic and popular cultural field. Showalter is a specialist in victorian literature. And the findesiecle. Showalter has been a television critic for people magazine and a commentator on BBC radio and television. Her most innovative work in this field is in madness and hysteria in literature, specifically in women's writing and in the portrayal of female characters.
Gayatri Chakravorty spivak
Gayatri Chakravorty spivak is an Indian scholar, literary theorist, and faminist critic. She is a University professor at columbia University and a founding member of the establishment 's institute for comparative literature and society.
Gayatri Chakravorty, Indian literary theorists, feminist critic, Postcolonial theorist, and professor of comparative literature noted for her personal brand of deconstructive criticism, which she called criticism, which she called "interventionist."
Spivak is best known for her essay " can the subaltern speak?" and for her transformation of and introduction to Jacques Derrida' s De la grammatologie. Spivak was awarded the 2012 kyoto prize in Arts and philosophy for being " a critical theorist and education speaking for the humanities against intellectual colonialism in relation to the globalized world. An extraordinary criticism of the dangers of trying to talk for those who have no voice in society. Why? Because it is extremely hard to truly understand what you have only heard about, and not experienced.
Shoalter and Gayatri spivak's view on Feminism.
how the text defines sexual questions, what it says about gender relations and how it represents women.
In other words, feminist reading/criticism has come to be recognized as a political discourse: a critical and theoretical practice committed to the struggle against patriarchy and sexism.
The influential feminist critic, Elaine Showalter points out that two factors -gender and politics- which are suppressedin the dominant models of reading gain prominence with the advent of a feminist perspective. In every area of critical reflection whether it is literary representations of sexual difference or the molding/shaping of literary genres by masculine values feminist criticism has
established gender as a fundamental category of literary analysis.
gender as a tool of literary interpretation the issue of silencing of the female voice in the institutions of literature
criticism and theory has also come to the forefront. Appreciating the widespread importance of gender, feminist philosophers resist speaking in gender-neutral voice. They value women's experiences, interest, and seek to shift the position of women from object to one of subject and agent.
Showalter is concerned by stereotypes of feminism that see feminist critics as being 'obsessed with phallus' and ' obsessed with destroying male artists'. Showalter wonders if such stereotypes emerged from the fact that feminism lacks a fully articulated theory.
In Toward a Feminist pietics Showalter divides feminist criticism into two sections :
The woman as Reader or feminist critique
The woman as Writer or Gynocritics. Showalter traces the history of women's literature, suggesting that it can be divided into three phases :
The Feminine phase(1840-1880):
The Feminist phase (1880-1920)
The Female phase 1920-)
Showalter views on feminist poetics are intelligent, largely devoid of rhetorical extremities, and confidently provocative. Showalter speaks with calmly convincing authority, as one who firmly believes in the verity of what she's saying. She is both earnest, in that she sees change needing to occur immediately, and patient, in that she expects that, given time enough, the wisdom and truth of her cause will prevail.
Among all the most important figures in postcolonial feminism is Gayatri Spivak, who examines the effects of political independence upon 'subaltern' or subploretarian women in the Third world.
Spivak subaltern Studies reveal how female subjects are silenced by the dialogue between the male dominated west and the male - dominated East offering little hope for the subaltern woman's voice to rise up amidst the global social institutions that oppress her.
Macat Analysis of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Can the Subaltern speak? " - one of the most important essays in the field of psychological studies ever written.
Postcolonialism is the study of the detritus of empire the after effects of the colonial era. It looks at the effects that colonialism had on colonised peoples.
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