Saturday, November 21, 2020


 Hello Everyone....

This blog is about existentialism. In that blog we can learn about Existentialism and also connect this thing with other terms. The oxford meaning of Existencialism is 'A philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will.'

Key Concepts of Existentialism

1. Man is not the manifestation of any absolute or infinite substance. Man’s existence is not proof for the existence of the ultimate reality or God. Existentialism rejects idealistic concepts like ‘Consciousness’, ‘Spirit’, ‘Reason’, ‘Idea’ and ‘Over Soul’

2. Existentialism tries to find out the meaning of Being (Being= nature and essence of a human being, his existence). It denies the absolute reality of man.

3. When a man looks for the meaning of his existence he may get different answers. From these answers he must select and then commit himself to that selection.

4. Existentialism is concerned with man’s relationships with other men and things. Man is viewed always as a being-in-the-world. He may try to extend beyond himself and reach out to the being of other men and things.

5. Existentialism asserts that it is the duty of a man to find out the meaning of his life. Therefore he must engage in a life of reflection and commit himself to his own projects.

6. Each man must learn to act as a free person rather than as a mere part of a crowd.

7. Some existentialists deny God. But many claim that a man’s aspirations may lead him to God as a living reality and as a bond among humans.

Interpretation of the Videos:

#Video 1

It starts with the general definition of existentialism. Soren Kierkegaard is considered as pioneer of Existentialism. Jean-Paul Sartre, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Albert camus, Simone de Beauvoir all are known as the existentialist philosophers.they all have different belief about existentialism but they share same concept about it. They think about the human existence and mainly concerned with subject that is individual.

We all are alone and unique piece in this world. they gave the concept of triangle of 'freedom, passions and individuality'.No one can escape from the sorrow and suffering of life. every life is full of pain. this theory talks about the burning issue of human life such as suicide, passions, emotions, anxiety, freedom, despair so it really affects the young generation.

In this video i am really impressed by the thought of "Philosophical suicide". if person believe in God then there is a philosophical suicide of individual because he accepts everything without reasoning.

Video - 2

There we find comparison with movie 'Stay'. it said that " An elegant suicide is the ultimate work of Art." Tramp or stranger are living without any profound purpose so for them Death can be mistress " Death is my Mistress". 

In this video i really influenced by the idea that is there logic to the point of death? Life is a gift for us given by someone. but this is a unexpected gift so we have all rights to end our life but there should be logical reason behind suicide.

Video - 5

Every life is full of adversity, anxiety, despair, absurdity. But we are free to choose our own way of living. once we chose the things then we are responsible for it's consequences.Normally we find that people chose their own way of life but after that they tried to escape from it's result. this should not done by individual.

Existentialism is differs from Nihilism. After world war 2 people's life became miserable and full of despair. Everyone tried to find the meaning of life. In this video I really like the one thing that we are responsible for our own choices in life.

Video - 9

existentialism talks very freely about the dark side of life such as anxiety, death and despair. It makes us ready toideo  accept good as well as bad side of life. it affects to think about everyday life. it helps us to understand things as laughing child or flower. Suffering is something which life asking us to experience. we learn more thing from suffering. Existentialism teaches us that suffering is not our enemy. We can live life with more color and passions. 

This video teaches us ten things to live life very deeply which i like most. 

(1) Remember that you are born to a brilliant and terrifying universe.

(2) Build responsible community.

(3) Recover the ability to play.

(4) Inhabit the present movement.

(5) Power in life.

(6) Learn to live with passions.

(7) See how free you can be.

(8) Learn from difficult experience.

(9) Start relating the big picture.

(10) Start questioning.

Existentialism and Literature

Already we have seen the influence of Existentialism on European Literature after the Second World War. It may not be far from truth if we state that Existentialism owes its popularity not to philosophy but to literature. After Sartre made it popular through his writings other writers attempted to express their existentialist angst through their writings. Chief among them are Kafka, Camus and Samuel Beckett.

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